When you’re ready to Start Creating, click here to schedule a call with us at your convenience. This brief call will help us learn more about you and your project vision and address your questions and concerns.
Average Time: 20-30 minutes
Now, it’s time to put the finishing touches on your plans and budget. During this critical phase, we’ll reach out monthly to answer questions and provide support. If you decide to partner with a contractor, site planner, or other professional, we’re happy to schedule a group call to include them in this important planning stage.
If you are not partnering with a contractor, we highly recommend that you review local codes and establish electrical and water connections at this point in the process.
Average Time: 30-90 Days
Once you have a clear vision, plan, and budget for your home, connect with our team to discuss your desired final product. We’ll walk you through our contract, discuss deposit details, and answer any final questions you might have before signing and submitting payment. Any financing arrangements for your build must be established prior to submitting an initial deposit.
Once the signed contract and deposit are received, Sculptorhouse will initiate the manufacturing process for your kit home. You will receive a confirmation email that includes an assembly manual for the home and our architectural drawings with specifications for constructing the foundation.
Average Time: 1 Week
Building has officially begun! It’s time to prepare the foundation for your home.
The architectural plans you’ve received should help you envision your home fitting neatly into place once it arrives. As always, we’re happy to address any questions your build team might have about this or any phase of the building process.
Average Time: 1-6 Weeks
Your foundation is built, your kit is ready to ship, and you can’t wait to get the walls up! Once you submit your final payment, you’ll receive a confirmation email and your home will be on its way!
Average Time: 1 Week
Your home will arrive approximately 8 weeks after your down payment is made. Most customers receive their kit shortly after their foundation is ready and final payment is made, preventing any need for on-site storage during the build. Please note that this timeframe may vary based on the availability of materials.
As you wait for your kit, we will stay in close contact with you, sending updates from our manufacturer as soon as we have them. We will never leave you in the dark and strive to prevent any unnecessary surprises.
Average Time: Approximately 8 weeks after down payment, depending upon market availability.
It’s finally time to make your dream a reality! Using your assembly manual, assemble the building panels, construct the loft, install roof beams and panels, and insert your windows and doors. This process should be faster than traditional construction, saving you time and labor costs.
We’re here for you and your team throughout the building process. Contact us with any questions and please share your feedback so we can continue to improve our manuals and processes.
Average Time: 1-2 Weeks
Once the main structure is assembled, it’s time to install the siding and roof. Our Georgia Pacific Ply-Bead siding comes unpainted – ready for your personal touch. Paired with the timeless appeal of our 5V galvanized metal roofing panels, your home will really start to take shape.
After (y)our kit is complete, it’s time to , install electrical outlets and fixtures, plumbing, and interior walls and wallboard. Follow up with cabinetry, paint, flooring, and furnishings. Add a few of your favorite things, and sit back to admire your hard work!
Want to add a deck or patio? Maybe a front walk, flowerbed, or some trees? This is your dream space – the exterior should be as magnificent as the interior.
Average Time: 6-11 Weeks
We love to see dream projects become a reality! Share your experience with our social media community or email us your photos and story for a feature! We always ask permission before sharing content or tagging individuals in posts. We also welcome guest bloggers to help fill our journal with diverse perspectives and fresh ideas.
Average Time: 5-30 Minutes